
January reads

A new year and I am doing better already! Some changes at my place to improve (love decoration and DIY) and several books read already. Not a fan of quantity. I love to feel good about the books I read whether they are classics or excellent chic lit. I include in this list also the ones I read with my toddler. Reading is a fantastic habit and studies prove that helps the brain development if you start at a young age. Later during this month, I am publishing some reviews divided between "Adult reads" and "Children books". Here is the list (feel free to get inspired or telling me why you do not like some book). Let us open the conversation! January books for adults 1. Ser super mãe e uma treta, Susana Almeida 2. Don’ts for wives, Blanche ebbutte 3. The whole brain child, Daniel j. Siegel 4. Bizarre London: discover the capital’s secrets surprises, David long 5. The little Brooklyn bakery, Julie Caplin (ebook) 6. The little book of

New year, old and new me!

Today's post is more of a reflection than anything else. Throughout our lives, we do things, we live matters and see people coming and going.  These experiences make us who we are today. Our society is always expecting more and more, and frustration are common. Every person has so many different roles... you are a daughter/son, wife/husband, friend, professional, etc.... but who are you, really, for sure? Who am I? Do you really know?  For me, life has been a rollercoaster but an amazing and beautiful journey.  So why not share with the world? I am a very discreet and not share my whole life kind of person... even a bit an introvert. However, I think its time for me to open a bit and that way to share a bit about myself to you guys. I promise I will be honest and transparent whenever I share something in this space. I started this blog a couple of years ago, due to my feelings of isolation due to my maternity leave. Once my little one started to grow up a

Under Construction

No promises, just going with the flow. Blog under construction The book worm

It's today!!

Me after 10:30!!!!! The Book Worm

How do I feel today?

How do I feel today? I will share some pictures cause I have no words!!! I think I proved my point!! I am OK!!!!!! The book worm *Images from Google

New week, new hope

Hey guys! A new week full of opportunities! Not that I have a lot of free time (what is even that??? lol), but my tyre problem is solved! Thanks, Kwikfit ! So now I am really focusing on my last bits of studying. Next Friday I have an OSCE for my A&E course and then hopefully I am done! Fingers crossed and pray for me!!!! Until then, not much will happen... But I will be back with a lot of new ideas for the blog hehe Suggestions are welcome! The Book Worm P.S. For me is more Instagram that, by the way, you can follow xD Click here


Hey mates! Today I had one heck of an experience. Let's say that my Sunday was going amazing until I managed to get a flat tyre!!! And it happened in the worst place ever... middle of a countryside road bah Luckily, there was a police car with two nice policemen that stop to help... but unfortunately, they were not able to change the tyre due to one of the tools to be useless. Guys seriously sometimes things just don't want to happen easily. Always hated paperwork... and today I had the proof that you can find both idiots and amazing people while dealing with drama. The insurance people were not easy to deal on the phone (my hubby was the one who actually managed to talk to them while at work), and people passing by... while I stayed standing for at least 20 minutes with a toddler in my arms, only two cars stopped to help. The first one, a couple of parents to be were really sweet but didn't managed to help. The tools they had were too big f