#10 A long way home

A long way home
By Saroo Brierley, Larry Buttrose

Published: 24th june 2013
Genre: Biography, India
Edition: Ebook
Source: Bought
Pages: 288
My rating: 4/5 
Goodreads rating: 4.13/5
Read: 2017/18

My mother described her reactions better than I ever could mine: she said she was "surprised with thunder" that her boy had come back, and that the happiness in her heart was "as deep as the sea"

The Plot 
Imagine that you have four kids and one night two of them disappear. The following morning you know that one had an acciddent and the other one is still missing. 
Years after one young man explores google earth every day trying to reconstruct his last steps (what he can remember) of his previous life... the life before being adopted by a lovely australian couple.
And one day... all his efforts are answered.... he finds light at the end of the tunnel.
This book is the journey full of emotions of this yound man. But not only. It is also the journey of his two families and friends. How do they feel? What really happened that night?

It took me a while to read this book, especially because I have seen the movie first. I totally reccommend both. The movie summarises all what happen and the book shows how they really felt. It is a good combination.

Where the action takes place 

How is it written
In a very emotional and discriptive tone.

How real he described his emotions and how he didn't give up finding his own story.

That it took me so long to read (my fault not the book's fault).

Amazon: £1.66; Kindle: £4.99
Waterstones: £7.49
Foyles: £8.99
WH Smith: £6.29
Kobo: £4.99

In Conclusion 
It took me more than it is suppose to read this book due to personal reasons. However I absolutely loved it. It is well and emotionally written and it describes the journey of a kid to find his family. 
The ebook is easy to carry but the paperback version is not very heavy so reccomend both.
Althought is the kind of book that you will only read once in your life... it is a book that everybody should read to realise that persuing your dreams can make them a reality. Never give up!!!!


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