#12 Helpless: a true story

Helpless: a true story
By Rosie Lewis

Published: 5 December 2013
Genre: Short stories
Edition: ebook
Source: Kobo
Pages: 26
My rating: 5/5 
Goodreads rating: 4.06/5
Read in: 2018

Touching story.

The Plot 
This is a story about a foster care family that has to go to the maternity to pick up a newborn who is dealing with drugs hangover from her mum. Social services asked the foster mum to take care of this new child and she knows it is only a temporary thing and tries not to fall in love with this baby... until one day she realises this is impossible and a family wants to adopt her... what will happen next?

How is it written
A really short story, emotional and touching.

The plot and intensity.

That this story really happens in reality.

Amazon: Free.
Kobo: Free

In Conclusion 
If you do not have much time these days to read this is an ideal touching story to spend one hour.


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