#13 The Beauty Myth

The Beauty Myth
By Naomi Wolf

Published: 24th setember 2002
Genre: Feminism
Edition: Ebook
Source: Bought
Pages: 368
My rating: 4/5 
Goodreads rating: 3.89/5
Read: 2017/18
"Beauty provokes harassment, the law says, but it looks through men's eyes when deciding what provokes it."

The Plot 
This is a nonfiction book about the reality of the beauty myth. The author goes in a trip of the beauty history and how the human being related himself and especially herself to it. It is a deep reflection about what it is beauty, what does it represent and how far can a person go for this concept of beaty and to be/feel accepted. It was always an issue through the times. The book is divided in eight chapters: beauty myth, work, religion, culture, sex, hunger, violence and general. 

Where the action takes place 

How is it written
Exhaustive reflection mode with historical and scientific/sociological notes.

The subject itself.

The book could be a bit less exhaustive.

Amazon: £5.80; Kindle: £5.99
Waterstones: £11.99
Foyles: £11.99
Kobo: £5.99

In Conclusion 
This is a very interesting subject and the society should be talking even more than it is nowadays.
Althought I feel the book is a bit exhaustive, ot os true that it is very informative and makes us think about how far a person can go to persue the beauty myth.
Read as suggested in the Goodreads group Our Shared shelf!


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