#7 Sense and sensibility

Sense and Sensibility
By Jane Austen

Published: 30th October 1811
Genre: Fiction, Historical fiction, literature, classics, classic literature, 19th century, European literature, British literature
Edition: Ebook
Source: Free
Pages: 409
My rating: 4/5 
Goodreads rating: 4.06/5

The more I know of the world, the more am I convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love. I require so much!
This was a book that took me a while to read. It happened because it is an old English, which I am not used to, so I needed a bit more time to understand the whole plot. I read this book a while ago so maybe this won't be the best review I have done so far.

1.  Marianne Dashwood
Marianne is the main character. She lives with her family and at a certain point, she falls in love with John Willoughby, which, according to his sister is not suitable for her. 

The Plot 
This book's story is a critic to the English society of the 18h century. The life, the culture, the marriages... all described in this book and with a social criticism in it.

Where the action takes place 
18th century, England.

How is it written
This book was written between 1795 and 1799 so the English can be a bit tough.

The plot and the descriptions. We actually can travel to the 18th century and relive the lives of the characters.

Long book as any other classic. Tough language.

Amazon: £3.99-16.33; Kindle: Free
Waterstones: £4.99-18
Foyles: £4.99-18
WH Smith: £1.98-10.49
Kobo: £0.56-2.99; Audiobook: £2.86-22.00

In Conclusion 
This book alongside with the Pride and Prejudice movie, made me fall in love with Jane Austen. Despite I didn't read any other book of hers I am interested in reading a bit more of her work. Also, this is an amazing critic of the society at that time so I would recommend the reading of at least one of her books!


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