ARC #3 - On the dog walk! by David J. Robertson

On the dog walk!
By David J. Robertson

Published: 28th December 2017
Genre: Children
Edition: Ebook
Source: NetGalley
Pages: 29
My rating: 5/5 
Goodreads rating: 5/5
Read: 2018

In NetGalley I have found several books for my little one, which makes me so happy!
This book was a treasure that I found. For three days I have read this book for my baby. He is too young to understand the story but at the same time, it is a good exercise to make him used to stories. Everyday I read twice for him. It is amazing to see his reactions.
But let's get back to the book.
The story is beautifully written and I am pretty sure I'll read it again in the future.
It is inspired by a real dog, Misty, a very cute Border Collie.
One day, Misty and her friends get lost and try to find their way home. While doing that they have several adventures with rabits, weird machines and crawling bugs.
Will they manage to find their way??

What did I not like the book?
There is nothing that I can say that I did not like it.

And what did I like?
The message about friendship, the humurous way that it is written and the drawings.
Also, the fact that the author was really happy for me to have enjoyed his book. He even sent me a picture of the real Misty!!

In UK I found it on KOBO for the price of £3.99.

In Conclusion 
This is a very pleasant book to be read to your kids. The plot, the way it is written, the drawings and the message. All combined in a really good book.

P.S. This is an ARC of 2017


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