ARC #6 - Knees by Vanita Oeslchlager

By Vanita Oeslchlager

Published: 1st may 2012
Genre: Children
Edition: Ebook
Source: NetGalley
Pages: 128
My rating: 3/5 
Goodreads rating: 3.94/5
Read: 2018

This book focuses on showing the kids and the community about what dyslexia is all about... in a simple way. Anyone at any age can understand this problem with the story and cartoons.
On the other hand, it shows that anyone can have a normal life, despite the difference.
Recommend for schools, parents and everyone who wants to know about this subject.

What did I not like the book?
Nothing negative that I can say about it.

And what did I like?
The fact that is so informative in an informal way.

Amazon: £7.35, Kindle: Free

In Conclusion 
A simple way of showing a complex problem.
Recommend for schools, parents and everyone who wants to know about this subject.
ARC from 2012.


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