2017 Book Survey Tag

2017 Book Survey Tag

Another tag that I stole! Shame on me (or not : p ). Got from JessicaCrafts blog.
This is a reflection of my readings (which were not the best last year) in 2017.
Let's start!

Reading Stats

Books read: 24
Re-reads: 5
DnF: 6 (all started in 2017 and to be finished in 2018)
Most read genre: Parenting


1. Best book you read in 2017

Looking back I realised that the best book I have read in 2017 was The Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. It is emotional, historical and shows how kids can be so innocent and don't care about race, religion or anything. They just want to explore the world.

2. Books you were excited about and thought you would love but didn't

Well... It is a mixed feeling. I love but I also don't love this one. I love because is part of a series that I have been following for 20 years. Didn't like because I felt a bit disappointed. Here it is Fantastic Beasts and where to find them: the original screenplay by J. K. Rowling.

3. Most surprising (good or bad) book you read

I can pick two: Belly laughs by Jenny McCarthy and The Cosy Christmas tea shop by Caroline Roberts.
The Belly laughs was surprisingly funny and shows bits of the pregnancy/post pregnancy that people are afraid to ask. So raise your glasses for someone once in a while to be brave to talk about them!
The Cosy Christmas tea shop I have written before and I will post a review about it... It is an ok book but not amazing. At some point, you feel that you want the story to develop and it doesn't.

4. Best series you started? Best Sequel? Best series ender

Between Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them or The Wedding series... I pick Fantastic Beasts. Why? I have said it all in question 2!

5. Best book from a genre you dont usually read/was out of your comfort zone

I honestly can say that the Fussy Baby book by William and Martha Smears was the best parenting book I have read. It helped me to understand better my baby and his needs and how to deal and develop strategies with and for him.

6.Most action-packed/unputdownable book of the year
Unfortunately didn't read any book like that!

7. A book you read in 2017 you are most likely to re-read?


All from Asterix and the Boy in striped pajama.

8. Favoutrite Book cover of a book you read in 2017

My favourite book cover was from Fantastic Beasts!

9. Most memorable character
Gilbert Grindelwald. Why? Because he is the character who will tell us so much more about the HP universe!!!

10. Most beautifully written book you read in 2017

Miss Kane's Christmas by Caroline Mickelson. Simple but it makes us think about the innocence of our childhood when we believed in Santa Claus!

11. Must thought provoking book

This was an easy pick: Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. The title says it all!!!

12. Book you can't believe you waited until 2017 to read

This was easy because I haven't read much...
The boy in striped pajamas by John Boyne

13. Favourite passage/quote from a book
From this year I do not have any favourite passage.

14. Shortest and Longest book

15. Best otp (one true pairing) of the year (you will go down with this ship)

Didn't read anything of this sort. 

16. Favourite non-romantic relationship
Asterix and Obelix

17. Favourite book from an author you've read previously

Asterix and the Roman Agent by Urdezo and Goscinny. Never gets old!

18. Best book you read based solely on recommendations and peer pressure

Bump it up by Greg Whyte. I felt the pressure of being healthy and not putting much wheight during pregnancy. Turnes out it is a very very good book.

19. Best 2017 in debut
I think my best author debut was with Boris Starling.

20. Best world building/most vivid

I know I am getting repetitive.

21. Book that put a smile on your face/was fun to read

The baby owner's manual by Louis Borgenitch, Joe Borgenitch and Paul Kepple.
Really funny and uncomplicated view of parenthood.

22. Book that made you cry/crushed your soul/shocked you the most

23. Hidden Gem

End of 2017 I decided to start a book blog. So far I am still trying to find my own style and what i want to do... but... I am feeling really happy with everything!

Looking ahead

1. One book you didn't get to but will be your number one priority in 2018
There are so many that I cant point one specifically. 
Also, I decided to finish the books I have started reading before starting a new one!

2. Series ending/sequel you are most anticipating
It is not that I am anticipating but I decided to start reading one of these two series: Lord of the rings or Game of Thrones. Still thinking which one will be the best to start.

3. A 2018 release you've already read and recommend to everyone
The only book release I am willing to be Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, illustrated edition!

Uau! This was an amazing and long post. Decided this year to be more selective on my readings. However last year I really needed to read a lot about parenting so I didn't have much time for the rest!

See you soon!

The Book Worm


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